The 2nd Malaysia-China Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Symposium 2023
The 10th Anniversary of One Belt One Route
Welcome Speech
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia
Welcome Speech
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)
Meet the Distinguished Keynote Speakers
Meet the Distinguished Speakers
08:00 (MYT)
Online Attendance Registration
09:00 (MYT)
I01 - Introduction and House Rules
Ir. Prof. Dr TAN CheeFai
President | CMES Malaysia Chapter
Chairman | AEI-MFG
09:10 (MYT)
WS01 - Welcome Speech | Distinguished Guest of Honor
Dr. ZHAO Xiangdong
Counsellor for Science and Technology |
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia
09:20 (MYT)
WS02 - Welcome Speech | Distinguished Guest of Honor
Mr. ZHANG Xijun
Vice General Secretary/ Standing Council Member
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES) |
the People's Republic of China
09:30 (MYT)
KS01 - Distinguished Keynote Speech 1
Professor HUANG Fei
Institute of Manufacturing Engineering |
Huaqiao University |
the People's Republic of China
Made in China 2025: The Opportunities
10:00 (MYT)
KS02 - Distinguished Keynote Speech 2
Professor Dato' Dr Noor Inayah binti Ya'akub
President & Vice-Chancellor
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) | Malaysia
Malaysia National Policy on Industry 4.0: The Regulation Framework
10:20 (MYT)
KS03 - Distinguished Keynote Speech 3
Prof. GAO Feng
Professor |
Institute of Design and Control Engineering for Heavy Equipment |
Shanghai Jiaotong University | the People's Republic of China
The Future of Robotics
10:40 (MYT)
KS04 - Distinguished Keynote Speech 4
Ir. YAU ChauFong
AER Head Commissioner
ASEAN Engineering Register (AER) | ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (AFEO)
Fellow | ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology (AAET)
RCEP: The Opportunities of Malaysia - China Engineering Services
11:00 (MYT)
DS01 - Distinguished Speech 1
CEO | e-Works
Deputy Secretary General | International Coalition of Intelligent Manufacturing (ICIM) |
the People's Republic of China
Intelligent Manufacturing: The China Experience
11:20 (MYT)
DS02 - Distinguished Speech 2
Dr. Mohamad Norjayadi Tamam
Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) | Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) | Malaysia
Productivity Growth with Digital Transformation
11:40 (MYT)
DS03 - Distinguished Speech 3
Dr. WANG Fuzeng
Institute of Manufacturing Engineering |
Huaqiao University | the People's Republic of China
Belt & Road Initiative on Intelligent Manufacturing
12:00 (MYT)
DS04 - Distinguished Speech 4
Ts. Shamsul Kamar Abu Samah
Head | National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO) |
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) | Malaysia
Malaysian Aerospace Industry Blueprint (MAIB) 2030
12:30 (MYT)
DS05 - Distinguished Speech 5
Mr. YU Liang
Manager |
CAD/CAM Software Department | Beijing Jingdiao Group Co. Ltd. |
the People's Republic of China
CAD/CAM in Advanced Manufacturing Process
14:20 (MYT)
DS06 - Distinguished Speech 6
Ir. CHIN LeeTuck
Secretary | ASEAN Engineering Inspector for Manufacturing (AEI-MFG) |
Brunei Darul Salam
Fellow | ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology (AAET)
ASEAN Industrial Transformation to Industry 4.0
DS07 - Distinguished Speech 7
Mr. YUAN Yujie
Senior Welding Engineer |
International Welding Engineer (IWE) |
Beijing Botsing Technology Co Ltd | the People's Republic of China
Advancement in Welding Technology
DS08 - Distinguished Speech 8
Ts. Dr. Ng KhaiMun
Dean | Faculty of Engineering, Science & Technology (FEST)
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia
The Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Education in Malaysia
15:00 (MYT)
DS09 - Distinguished Speech 9
Ravenna CHEN
CEO | TussStar Malaysia
ASEAN Innovation Ecosystem: Malaysia Experience
15:15 (MYT)
DS10 - Distinguished Speech 10
David KHOR
Honorary Advisor | CMES Malaysia Chapter | Malaysia
Fellow | ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology (AAET)
Malaysia Machinery & Equipment Industry: The Opportunities
15:30 (MYT)
15:45 (MYT)
16:00 (MYT)
DS11 - Distinguished Speech 11
Prof. Dr. CHEN Ming
Tongji University | the People's Republic of China
The Industry 4.0 Learning Factory Lab
16:15 (MYT)
DS12 - Distinguished Speech 12
Prof. (Hon) Vincent OH KokLoon
Secretary General | CMES Malaysia Chapter | Malaysia
Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry in Malaysia
16:30 (MYT)
DS13 - Distinguished Speech 13
Dr. LI Jie
Donghua University | the People's Republic of China
Application of Intelligent Technology for Recycling and Disassembly
16:45 (MYT)
DS13A - Distinguished Speech 13A
Ir. Prof. Dr TAN CheeFai
Deputy Vice-Chancellor | Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur
President | CMES Malaysia Chapter | Malaysia
Fellow | ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology (AAET)
The Intelligent Manufacturing Initiative in Malaysia: Challenges & Opportunities
17:00 (MYT)
DS15 - Distinguished Speech 15
Dr CHAN SaiKeong
Dean |
Faculty of Business, Information & Human Sciences (FBIHS) |
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) | Malaysia
E-Commerce Industry in Malaysia
The Registration
ZOOM Platform
Registration Link:
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